with ceci loel
about `pintando´
Discover your inner artist by painting in a fun and supportive virtual environment. This classes gives you the opportunity to channel your creativity and enjoy working remotely. Every class is packed with important information and tips, including gathering inspiration, materials, organizing your space, and more. Is perfect for anyone who would like to create amazing sketches everywhere you go - this course is ideal for anyone with a little to no experience painting but is also a great next step for students who have completed the Sketches everywhere.
What to expect from
this online workshop?
`Pintando´ is made up of three classes (one per week) of 90 min each.
A simple approach to painting will help you grow in confidence and express yourself visually.
All you need to know about water mediums like watercolor and acrylics, paper and preparation, as well as mixed media techniques.
With three projects and various demos, we will use lots of water, masking fluid and experimental techniques.

In this course you will:
Each class is adapt to all student’s needs to give you the guidance and help you need to develop your artistic skills.
Explore the different water mediums like acrylics and watercolor.
Get things started with warm-up exercises
Work with reference images and imagination
Develop different color palletes with basic color theory
Understand the basics of water mediums
Receive guidance and feedback
WHat you will need?
A device with a camera and microphone
You will recieve an email with the practice and the images that we will use as a reference for the class
Organic objects with texture like fruits, vegetables, shells, vases, mugs or bowls.
Soft pencils or charcoal, sharpener and an eraser
Any sketchbook in any size 250gr-300gr
A note: Enhancing these skills requires practical and active participation. As this is an interactive class, you will required to have video turned on.
Once the payment is recieve, I wil send you an email with further instructions and the material for the class. If you have any questions regarding the content of the classes or you are interested on a different individual or gruop art class fill the CONTACT. Thank you for your interest in my workshops.